Local Government Spatial Reference Group
Appropriate and effective geospatial capability is
recognised as fundamental to council efficiency and service delivery
About Us
The Local Government Spatial Reference Group (LGSRG) was formed in 2003 to address the need for a sector wide group representing the strategic interests of the Victorian Local Government sector with respect to spatial information.
The main objectives of the LGSRG include:
Developing sector-wide positions on key issues relating to Local Government;
Taking advantage of opportunities for Local and State Government collaboration on spatial information initiatives;
Generating increased awareness of spatial management issues across the sector;
Seeking the necessary resources to progress priority projects on a sector-wide basis;
Promoting spatial capabilities, on behalf of local government, to other key stakeholders.
In the years since the LGSRG’s formation, there continues to be significant advances in spatial technologies, data capture, maintenance and storage. While there are many examples of effective use of spatial technology and information within individual Councils, this has not been uniform across Local Governments. There are many challenges that remain unresolved and there is a broadly held perception within the LGSRG that spatial capabilities are undervalued.
Who we are

Contact Us
For any enquiries, please contact us: